One of my favorite parts of this job is telling "the story". My approach to a family photography session is more lifestyle than straight portraits. You want to give some guidance, but especially with younger need to give them a little more room.
Mom called me early Sunday morning to tell me that her son had tumbled out of bed during the night and got a shiner from a foot stool. I told her as long as he was OK & she was OK with going forward, I was also OK with it. We both said, "It's part of life."
We wandered through this fantastic park out in Parkland. Dad told me about a GeoCache hidden amongst the tree covered trails that they've found. (Note to self...get the GeoCache app.) We stopped here and there...snapping photos, picking up sticks, checking out nature (check out the tini-tiny frogs!), giggled a lot and even had a brief moment of tears.
But, isn't that what it's all about...giggles & tiny frogs?
So, let them play with sticks. (And even mom's camera.) It's all part of those moments.