(Warning...A Personal Insight Post)
Positive Energy.
Glass Half Full.
Early Christmas.
In order to help combat the flow of negative and ick in recent months, I have been making a stronger effort to be more conscious of what I've been putting out into the world with not only the messages in my own head, but also with what comes out of my own mouth.
There are many marketed/packaged philosophies out there (The Secret, The Power of Positive Thinking, etc.) touting if you put out good energy, it will come back to you. Put out bad...well, you know. I haven't chosen to follow any particular one. I've just been trying to put my slightly overworked brain in a happier/glass half full perspective.
And I've noticed some things. Not only have I've made MAJOR traction on my photography business. (Thank you followers.) My kids are fighting less. Parking spot seekers at Costco don't annoy me as much. And I've lost another 4 pounds!! (seriously)
So, I got an email 2 days ago from photographer extraordiare, Sandy Puc. Well, it was acutally her marketing email server. "You have been selected for a FREE ticket..."
Christmas came early this year and I got a "lottery" ticket for Sandy Puc's Hands On Photography Workshop in Miami. You don't pass these things up. I scrambled for babysitters and between 3 family members I got it covered. Whew!!
The results...A-MAZ-ING. (I'll be posting photos in a day or so.) A redonkulous (look it up) opportunity to work alongside these nationally-known professional photographers. Being a predominately natural light photographer myself, most of these set-ups were situations outside of my comfort zone. I almost let negative thinking/comfort level skew the experience. But again, you don't pass these things up.
Postive attitude yielded postive things. I met talented people and learned some new things the best way...by actually DOING it myself.
Thanks Sandy!
(I'm on the far left in B&W)